Safety Information
We are Newcross RP. While you are using our Force Management System (FMS) web application and our other online communication platforms, we want you to feel safe. We have listed some useful information for you below, that is mainly aimed at young people. You must be at least 13 years old to create an account. To become a full member, we have a separate minimum age which you can find in our rules.
Online Safety
Because we are an online community, you should follow all the precautions you would normally follow when using the internet. Here are some specific tips.
- Although we may follow realistic procedures, remember that this is just an online gaming community. Remember to take regular breaks and don't be afraid to talk to family and friends about your gaming world.
- When you enter text or other information into the FMS or our other platforms, our moderators and administrators can see this. Do not enter sensitive or inappropriate information or text.
- Our gaming activities are fictional. Please do not enter data relating to real people into the incidents system or the person & vehicle database.
- Remember, other members could record gameplay or conversations you take part in when using our platforms.
- We have a structure in place, where some members have more responsibilities and powers in the community than a normal member. But remember that it's never OK for someone to make you feel like you have to do something you don't want to do, even if they have more powers in the community than you do.
- Other members of the community may ask if you want to add them as a friend on other social media, such as Facebook or Snapchat. Be careful with this. Such connections take place outside our community and we cannot monitor them. It's OK to say no.
- Remember - it's easy for people to lie online. Sometimes people lie to build a relationship with you, and pressure you into doing things.
- Be careful about meeting up. It's always best not to meet up with people that you only know online. Even if you have mutual friends, they could still be lying about who they are. If you do decide to meet up, take a trusted adult with you. And always meet in a busy public place.
- Be careful around people talking about sexual things. Some people use online communities to send unwanted sexual messages to you, or try to pressure you into sending sexual content to them. If this happens, you should block the person and speak to a trusted administrator in the community or another trusted adult (such as a parent, guardian or teacher).
What is the FMS for?
The people in our community enjoy playing as the emergency services online - and that's probably why you are interested in joining us. The FMS lets us do that efficiently and effectively. Remember, we are not affiliated with a real emergency service - we are just a fictional gaming community.
More information
If you would like more information or have any questions, please speak to a trusted person in the community or another trusted adult (such as a parent, guardian or teacher). You can also find more internet safety information here.
Reporting abusive use of the FMS
The FMS is provided to our community on a software as a service ('SaaS') basis by Albo1125. Albo1125 does not control the editable content of this FMS and is not involved in managing our community. However, Albo1125 expects our community to ensure all members have a safe experience and to use the FMS in a legal way for its intended purpose. Please report any abuse of the FMS to Albo1125 through the Discord contact details here by opening an FMS report/complaint ticket.